//function wptheme_stat() { // ?> // The Modern Tot Preschool | Our Curriculum | Engage. Play. Encourage.

Our Curriculum

Engage. Play. Encourage.

Research-based. Child-focused.

We know the tools that give your children the best opportunity at long-term success.

The HighScope Curriculum uses active participatory learning and the plan-do-review process to achieve powerful outcomes.

HighScope not only helps young children excel in literacy and cognitive learning but also to develop the fundamental skills that help determine success in adult life.

Toddler Curriculum

The Toddler curriculum uses a carefully designed process of learning
through discovery called active participatory learning. During active
learning, toddlers learn about the world around them by exploring
and playing.

The HighScope Toddler Curriculum is a comprehensive model that
addresses all areas of development through six content areas and 42 key developmental indicators (KDIs) — the skills and behaviors at each stage of development that pave the way for school and adult success. Each KDI is connected to and reinforced by scaffolding strategies to support and gently extend children’s learning.

Preschool Curriculum

Our Preschool Curriculum addresses all areas of development through eight content areas and 58 key developmental indicators (KDIs).

While learning in these areas prepares children for school, HighScope goes beyond traditional academic subjects by promoting independence, curiosity, decision making, cooperation, creativity, and problem-solving.

Ready to Enroll?

Location & Hours

10801 Garland Road
Dallas, TX 75218
Mon - Fri: 7am - 6pm



Preschool KDIs
  • Social & Emotional Development — Children are gaining a deeper understanding of social interaction and their own emotions.

  • Physical Development & Health — Children show understanding and growth in physical development, personal care, and body awareness.

  • Language, Literacy, & Communication — Children are demonstrating a deeper recognition and understanding of written and spoken language.

  • Approaches to Learning — Children use a variety of approaches to learning such as initiative, reflection, problem-solving, and planning.

  • Mathematics — Children begin to gain understanding of mathematical concepts.

  • Creative Arts — Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through art, pretend play, and music.

  • Science & Technology — Children begin testing ideas to gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.

  • Social Studies — Children are gaining understanding in social and environmental surroundings & concepts.
Toddler KDIs
  • Social and Emotional Development — Children are gaining a sense of self-realization and recognizing/identifying their relationships with others.
  • Physical Development and Health — Children are into movement, physical development, and healthy activity.
  • Communication — Children are interacting with other children and adults who listen to them and talk to them.
  • Language and Literacy — Children engage in pre-literacy activities such as exploration of picture books and words, independently and with others.
  • Cognitive Development — Children engage in exploration to discover how the world works. For example, cause and effect, similarities & differences, and putting together & taking apart.
  • Creative Arts — Children create with building materials, begin to engage in pretend play, and create & engage with different types of music.